hd and hm – are thickness of the diffusion layer adjacent to the intestinal wall and the enterocyte’s membrane;
Dw and DL are diffusion coefficients of the drug in the intestinal lumen (can be approximately described by the diffusion coefficient in water), and in the drug membrane. D – distribution coefficient of the drug.
The drug diffusion to apical membrane of enterocytes and through it is described by Fick’s law:
dJ1/dt = -Dw gradC = -Dw (C1-C0)/hd
dJ2/dt = -DL gradC = -DL C1D/hm.
(here we supposed the the blood flow is high that the drug concentration in the blood is zero)
In the steady-state
dJ1/dt = dJ2/dt = dJ/dt,
C1 = (Dw/hD)/ (DLD/hm + Dw/hd) * C0
Therefore apparent permeability of the drug is:
Papp = [dJ/dt] / ΔC = [dJ/dt] / C0 = (Dw/hd)/(1 + Dwhm/(hdDLD)) (*)
The Figure represents experimental LogPapp plotted against LogD for drugs that are reported not to be subjected to active transport, active efflux, and paracellular diffusion (blue points); and model predictions (solid line). RMSD = 0.34 log units.