The plot below (created usingVortex)shows pIC50 calculated from the literature IC50 data versus calculated logP determined usingalogPS, the colour coding shows the overall general tend of increasing hERG activity as logP increases, it also highlights the reduced liability seen with acids (green) and zwitterions (red).

Whilst the majority of data is derived from radioligand binding experiments (using either Dofetilide or MK-499), there is a substantial amount of data from patch clamp experiments, I collated enough data now (covering 4 orders of magnitude) to give an idea of how the assays compare. As you can see there is a reasonable correlation between the assays, but there are one or two outliers. Which is more predictive of in vivo activity is an excellent question that I don’t have the data to answer yet.

I still need to increase the size of the data-set, and if anyone can direct me to any publicly available data, or to publications that contain data i'd much appreciate it.
Worth reading, Medicinal Chemistry of hERG Optimizations: Highlights and Hang-Ups, Jamieson, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2006, 5029
Sorry, but what data where used for hERG model build-up? To correctly direct you to the dataset...?
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